Guy's Guy's Guy's,It's HUMP DAYYYYYYYYYY meaning it's time for the 2nd best show from WWE. N-X-T! On tonight's card we have:
Raquel Gonzalez vs Xia li
Oney Lorcan vs Breezango(Tag Title Match)
Toni Storm vs Candice LeRae
Johnny Gargano vs Leon Ruff (NXT North American Title Match)
Jake Atlas vs Escobar(CW Title Match)
Dexter Lumis vs Timothy Thatcher
Johnny Gargano vs Leon Ruff(North American Title Match)
We start off NXT with Johnny Gargano in the middle of the ring welcoming everyone to "The Wheel of Challengers". He says he's cursed as the bad luck guy but tonight with the help of a special friend he will reverse the curse with one spin. Johnny spins the wheel and coincidentally it lands on Leon Ruff who's name was written on a piece of paper. At this point they could've just had him do an open challenge and Leon Ruff just came out and answer the open challenge. The wheel was obviously rigged to land on Leon Ruff anyway so why not again just have him answer the open challenge instead Something weird is about to go down. My spidey sense is tingling. So the match begins and Leon Ruff is pulling off some very quick impressive moves. Not enough as Johnny sends him flying,knee first into the steel steps. Damian priest is looking ring side inside one of the pods giving Gargano death daggers with his eyes. Leon ruff tries a roll up for the sneaky pin but is met with a kick out and clothesline that sends Ruff flipping towards the canvas. Johnny Gargano who starts to taunt doesn't realize Leon ruff behind him sneaks with a Crucifix Roll up and WINS the North American title! holy shit Leon Ruff won the North American title!
Winner: Leon Ruff
Jake Atlas vs Escobar(Cruiserweight title)
Next match up is the Cruiserweight Title match. Jake atlast is such a good wrestler and i'm happy he's getting some shine on TV. The bell ring and we start with some quick shit talking and a drop kick from Atlas. we see the tide turn with escober delivering a series of blows a russian leg sweep and a submission move in hope Atlas taps out. Atlas tries to fight back against escobar but is stopped at every corner as Escober puts on another submission move targeting his neck. we see a rally back from Atlast with a numerous chops to the chest of Escobar. Legato fantasma tries to intervene with a pipe but is quickly stopped by Atlast who uses the weapon against the two men. Focused back on the match we see a sweet Blockbuster on Escober who rolls out the ring after kicking out at 2. Back from commercial we see the Ref has kicked out the 2 members of Legato Fantasma out the ring for interfering to much.
it's enough for Escobar to take control of the match. we get double knees to Atlas chest a hurricanrana and a frog splash from the top rope. Atlas delivers a hurricanrana of his own,a drop kick and a german suplex and a kick to the head. Atlas attempts a top rope move but is pushed over the rope to the outside and is throws into the steel steps. we see atlast drive to the outside and barely make contact with escober. we see a second roll up by Atlas that's kicked out. Escobar then delivers a superkick but it is kicked out at 2. we see a kick to the jaw and a standing moonsault by Atlas. This match is slapping harder than you would slap ya momma. Atlas tries a standing cartwheel DDT but it's not enough as Escobar delivers a DDT to the knee for the pin to retain his CW title.
Winner: Escobar

Dexter Lumis/Candice LeRae/Shotzi BlackHeart Promos
We see Dexter lumis before commercial Drawing a picture of Cameron Grimes running from the zombie Referee. God I love Dexter. I may be the only one. Y'all might think he's a serial killer BUT if Roman Reigns can be yall Tribal Chief Dexter Lumis can be My Serial Killer
We see a recap of Candice LeRae destroying Shotzi's tank and an interview where shotzi talks about how much that tank meant to her and what it means. Shotzi all kinds of Big MAD and i'm here for it. she states shes not looking for Payback or Revenge she wants to put dem PAWS on her for disrespecting the TANK
Raquel Gonzalez vs Xia Li
So,I'm gonna assume Xia Li isn't winning this and will probably get another letter from her family about how she is continuing Dishonoring her. At this point where are we going with this storyline. Are we just going to continue to get letters until they figure it what there gonna do. after Raquel makes her way to the ring Boa comes out and tells Raquel Xia isn't there tonight and apologize and she accepts her apology by kicking boa dead in the head and whoops his ass all over the arena. Boa makes his way into the ring and receives another boot to the face by Raquel and a chokeslam. Raquel says Talk shit get hit and leaves the ring like the BIC she is. We see the lights dim and boa rolls out of the ring. smoke fills the arena and some dude who looks like the The taller brother of Mr. Miyagi from Karate kid walks down and gives BOA a letter and writes something on his hand. They bow a bunch of times and he leaves. Boa holds up his hands shaking like when ya momma smacks ya hand really hard when she thinks you reaching for something in the store when she said specifically told you before you walked in "You BET not touch a thing in here".
Winner: Raquel Gonzales

August Gray doing an interview and his attacked from behind by Timothy Thatcher, they bet not destroy my mans picture! You toothless summabish!
Toni Storm vs Candice LeRae
We see Storm make her way to the thing in a match against Candace hopefully to avenge the death of Shotzi's Tank *Pours some out for the Tank Homie*. Candace makes her way to the ring with what I assume is her Party City wings (is this girl sponsored by Party City? cause girl,i know you can get some made that looks wayyyy better) I'mma need Toni to come through in this match. They lock up and some chain wrestling from both girls. we see Candace try get out of a arm submission by running around the ring like a chicken with her head cut off. we then hear alarms start to blare throughout the ri....oh wait that's me i'm burning something shit! BRB. OK i'm back. where was I? We see Tony Storm deliver a low base drop kick and a inverted Atomic Drop. Candace LeRae pixie dusts her ass to the outside of the ring another commer...oh picture in picture.
*moves closer to the TV and squints*

Candace has taken control from what I can see. We see multiple kicks to the back of Storm and that one move Natalya does when she runs the ropes and steps on the back of your head and you headbutt the mat but Candace does it like a flipped neckbreaker(What?). Candace delivers a Back Breaker but a failed second rope flip which gives Toni time to deliver a headbutt. We see multiple elbows and a quick release german suplex,two low rope clotheslines and a fisherman suplex that isn't enough to put The Party City Pixie away. A missed leg dropped by Toni makes way to a superkick by LeRae and a quick roll up by Candace whose feet is on the ropes securing the win. Toni visibly upset at LeRaes cheating tactics attacks LeRae but is short lived by her helper in the scream mask Mask attacking Toni Storm .Shotzi runs in to help Toni Storm to only get laid out as well. We see the LeRae's helper to be revealed as Indi Hartwell (We knew that already. Glad there pushing some more girls)
So im guessing next week a Tag Team match with Indie/Candace vs Shotzi/Toni
Winner: Party City Wings

Dexter Lumis vs Timothy Thatcher
Yall my Baby Daddy on TV,look how is slithers in the ring like a sexy ass snake (Heart eyes) it's like his staring into my soul. We a Thesz Press from Lumis that quickly sends Thatcher out of the ring. Thatcher attempts numerous Catch Can wrestling moves only for it to be reversed by lumis quickly. Knees to the side of lumis gives Thatcher the leverage he needs to deliver a belly toss but my BOO Dexter is unfazed. A European uppercut and a knee to the side gives Thatcher more leverage as he continues to attack difference body parts of dexter lumis. We see a beautiful spinebuster on Dexter and a STanding drop kick.
*side note Who ever this ref is :
Thatcher slams Dexter into his injured arm while doing the spinebuster. back from commercial we see Thatcher has now targeted Lumis injured arm. He delivers a modify suplex on Lumis and puts him into another Arm submission. we see another attempt on lumis who reverses into a suplex and a leg drop and a bulldog. They head to the top rope and we a swanton bomb that barely connects. Lumis rops his shirt off and man he is fine. At that moment Cameron grimes runs in and distracts Lumis enough for Thatcher to get the roll up pin. Cameron then enters the ring and attacks Lumis and puts a burlap sack over lumis head cause that's what you do when attacking someone. My baby getting his ass kicked yall. Cameron just caved in my baby chest while sitting in a chair. 6 strings needs to go.
Winner: Tooth Fairy

Ciampa Promo
Ciampa is cutting a promo about having 16 years in the game. he says killer and harvey never took liberties. never had to talk about how tough they were you just knew they were bad ass. Now apparently everyone thinks there tough and it's the world we live in. complain and get rewarded. bark loud enough for long enough. actions without consequences. He says he might be old school and the last of the dying breed. he says this 2020 locker room culture is going to change and he is that change.
Io Shirai/Rhea Ripley(Prime Target)
*Footage Courtesy of WWE Youtube
Oney/Lorcan( w/Pat Mcafee & Pete dunn) vs Breezango
We get a recap of "For The Brand"(is that really the faction name,like really?) laying out killian dain. Pat starts off saying what happened was gorgeous and Pete Dunn has been a terror to the brand. He goes into saying his worth 150 million and he took a plane during the storm and he'll be on commentary next to Bad News Barrett and Vic Joseph. The Match is under way and I can already feel like Pat on commentary is going to ruin my love of this match. Oney and Lorcan attack Breezango and a brawl breaks out ringside we see Breezango get the upper hand and Breezango take control of the match. we have an elbow to the faces,multiple chops,a super kick to Lorcan and Oney being thrown into Pat. Another Picture in Picture excuse me while I'll scoot closer to the TV.
Oney nails Breeze to the back of the next who then tags in Lorcan. We see good Tag Team plays as oney and lorcan take turns tagging in and out while keeping Breeze away from fandango. Breeze is able to gain momentum with a sling shot of Oney into the ring post and is able to tag Fandango who delivers a neck breaker,chops and a knee to the face and clothesline with a falcon arrow. we see fandango go for the pin but it's broken up by danny burch. we see fandango flip over the top rope and taking out Oney and pete dunn. We see Fandango and Oney on the top rope with when Maverick appears and delivers a kick to oney lorcan. Pat runs around the side and gets nailed with a fip by Maverick. We see a head butt by Lorcan and there finishing move to retain there Tag Team titles.
As the match concludes Drake tries to attack the group but is beat up and thrown on the table. fandango also tries to intervene only to get stopped hard in his tracks as well. Breeze makes his way around the ring to also had some assistance and he is also beat down. WE see NXT end with Pat Mcafee delivering a punt to the head of Tyler Breeze.
Overall Review OF NXT:
